@article{2741, keywords = {Air saturation, Biological process, Deep, Fluid inclusion, Fracture water, Geochemical process, Hydrothermal fluids, Irradiation experiments, isotopic analysis, Isotopic composition, Leachates, Low porosity, Mass-balance calculations, Microbial eco system, Mining activities, Mining water, N species, Pore waters, Radiolytic oxidation, Relative importance, Residence time, South Africa, Subsurface fracture, Analytical geochemistry, Fluids, Fracture, Isotopes, Leaching, Mineralogy, Radiation chemistry, radiolysis, Silicates, water, reduction, concentration (composition), fluid inclusion, Groundwater, groundwater pollution, hydrogeochemistry, isotopic analysis, leachate, meteoric water, microbial activity, nitrate, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen isotope, oxygen isotope, porewater, Porosity, radioactivity, residence time, South Africa, Witwatersrand}, author = {B.J. Silver and R. Raymond and D.M. Sigman and M. Prokopeko and Sherwood Lollar and G. Lacrampe-Couloume and M.L. Fogel and L.M. Pratt and L. Lefticariu and T.C. Onstott}, title = {The origin of NO 3 - and N 2 in deep subsurface fracture water of South Africa}, abstract = {Deep (\>0.8km depth) fracture water with residence time estimates on the order of several Ma from the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa contains up to 40μM of NO 3 -, up to 50mM N 2 (90 times air saturation at surface) and 1 to 400μM NH 3/NH 4 +. To determine whether the oxidized N species were introduced by mining activity, by recharge of paleometeoric water, or by subsurface geochemical processes, we undertook N and O isotopic analyses of N species from fracture water, mining water, pore water, fluid inclusion leachate and whole rock cores.The NO 2 -, NO 3 - and NH 3/NH 4 + concentrations of the pore water and fluid inclusion leachate recovered from the low porosity quartzite, shale and metavolcanic units were 10 4 times that of the fracture water. The δ 15N-NO 3 - and δ 18O-NO 3 - of the pore water and fluid inclusion leachate, however, overlapped that of the fracture water with the δ 15N-NO 3 - ranging from 2 to 7{\textperthousand} and the δ 18O-NO 3 - ranging from 20 to 50{\textperthousand}. The δ 15N-NO 3 - of the mining water ranged from 0 to 16{\textperthousand} and its δ 18O-NO 3 - from 0 to 14{\textperthousand} making the mining water NO 3 - isotopically distinct from that of the fracture, pore and fluid inclusion water. The δ 15N-N 2 of the fracture water and the δ 15N-N from the cores ranged from -5 to 10{\textperthousand} and overlapped the δ 15N-NO 3 -. The δ 15N-NH 4 + of the fracture water and pore water NH 3/NH 4 + ranged from -15 to 4{\textperthousand}. Although the NO 3 - concentrations in the pore water and fluid inclusions were high, mass balance calculations indicate that NO 3 - accounts for <=10\% of the total rock N, whereas NH 3/NH 4 + trapped in fluid inclusions or NH 4 + present in phyllosilicates account for >=90\% of the total N.Based on these findings, the fluid inclusion NO 3 - appears to be the source of the pore water and fracture water NO 3 - rather than paleometeoric recharge or mining contamination. Irradiation experiments indicate that radiolytic oxidation of NH 3 to NO 3 - can explain the fluid inclusion NO 3 - concentrations and, perhaps, its isotopic composition, but only if the NO 3 - did not attain isotopic equilibrium with the hydrothermal fluid 2billion years ago. The δ 15N-N, δ 15N-N 2 and δ 15N-NH 4 + suggest that the reduction of N 2 to NH 4 + also must have occurred in the Witwatersrand Basin in order to explain the abundance of NH 4 + throughout the strata. Although the depleted NO 3 - concentrations in the fracture water relative to the pore water are consistent with microbial NO 3 - reduction, further analyses will be required to determine the relative importance of biological processes in the subsurface N cycle and whether a complete subsurface N cycle exists. {\textcopyright} 2011 Elsevier B.V.}, year = {2012}, journal = {Chemical Geology}, volume = {294-295}, pages = {51-62}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84455178937\&doi=10.1016\%2fj.chemgeo.2011.11.017\&partnerID=40\&md5=776cd834f40cd37d6d6a47bb7e28fe44}, doi = {10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.11.017}, }