Author Correction: A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes (Nature Biotechnology, (2021), 39, 4, (499-509), 10.1038/s41587-020-0718-6)

S. Nayfach, S. Roux, R. Seshadri, D. Udwary, N. Varghese, F. Schulz, D. Wu, D. Paez-Espino, I.-M. Chen, M. Huntemann, K. Palaniappan, J. Ladau, S. Mukherjee, T.B.K. Reddy, T. Nielsen, E. Kirton, J.P. Faria, J.N. Edirisinghe, C.S. Henry, S.P. Jungbluth, D. Chivian, P. Dehal, E.M. Wood-Charlson, A.P. Arkin, S.G. Tringe, A. Visel, H. Abreu, S.G. Acinas, E. Allen, M.A. Allen, L.V. Alteio, G. Andersen, A.M. Anesio, G. Attwood, V. Avila-Magaña, Y. Badis, J. Bailey, B. Baker, P. Baldrian, H.A. Barton, D.A.C. Beck, E.D. Becraft, H.R. Beller, J.M. Beman, R. Bernier-Latmani, T.D. Berry, A. Bertagnolli, S. Bertilsson, J.M. Bhatnagar, J.T. Bird, J.L. Blanchard, S.E. Blumer-Schuette, B. Bohannan, M.A. Borton, A. Brady, S.H. Brawley, J. Brodie, S. Brown, J.R. Brum, A. Brune, D.A. Bryant, A. Buchan, D.H. Buckley, J. Buongiorno, H. Cadillo-Quiroz, S.M. Caffrey, A.N. Campbell, B. Campbell, S. Carr, J.L. Carroll, S.C. Cary, A.M. Cates, R.A. Cattolico, R. Cavicchioli, L. Chistoserdova, M.L. Coleman, P. Constant, J.M. Conway, W.P. Cormack, S. Crowe, B. Crump, C. Currie, R. Daly, K.M. DeAngelis, V. Denef, S.E. Denman, A. Desta, H. Dionisi, J. Dodsworth, N. Dombrowski, T. Donohue, M. Dopson, T. Driscoll, P. Dunfield, C.L. Dupont, K.A. Dynarski, V. Edgcomb, E.A. Edwards, M.S. Elshahed, I. Figueroa, B. Flood, N. Fortney, C.S. Fortunato, C. Francis, C.M.M. Gachon, S.L. Garcia, M.C. Gazitua, T. Gentry, L. Gerwick, J. Gharechahi, P. Girguis, J. Gladden, M. Gradoville, S.E. Grasby, K. Gravuer, C.L. Grettenberger, R.J. Gruninger, J. Guo, M.Y. Habteselassie, S.J. Hallam, R. Hatzenpichler, B. Hausmann, T.C. Hazen, B. Hedlund, C. Henny, L. Herfort, M. Hernandez, O.S. Hershey, M. Hess, E.B. Hollister, L.A. Hug, D. Hunt, J. Jansson, J. Jarett, V.V. Kadnikov, C. Kelly, R. Kelly, W. Kelly, C.A. Kerfeld, J. Kimbrel, J.L. Klassen, K.T. Konstantinidis, L.L. Lee, W.-J. Li, A.J. Loder, A. Loy, M. Lozada, B. MacGregor, C. Magnabosco, Maria da Silva, R.M. McKay, K. McMahon, C.S. McSweeney, M. Medina, L. Meredith, J. Mizzi, T. Mock, L. Momper, M.A. Moran, C. Morgan-Lang, D. Moser, G. Muyzer, D. Myrold, M. Nash, C.L. Nesbø, A.P. Neumann, R.B. Neumann, D. Noguera, T. Northen, J. Norton, B. Nowinski, K. Nüsslein, M.A. O’Malley, R.S. Oliveira, Maia de Oliveira, T. Onstott, J. Osvatic, Y. Ouyang, M. Pachiadaki, J. Parnell, L.P. Partida-Martinez, K.G. Peay, D. Pelletier, X. Peng, M. Pester, J. Pett-Ridge, S. Peura, P. Pjevac, A.M. Plominsky, A. Poehlein, P.B. Pope, N. Ravin, M.C. Redmond, R. Reiss, V. Rich, C. Rinke, J.L.M. Rodrigues, W. Rodriguez-Reillo, K. Rossmassler, J. Sackett, G.H. Salekdeh, S. Saleska, M. Scarborough, D. Schachtman, C.W. Schadt, M. Schrenk, A. Sczyrba, A. Sengupta, J.C. Setubal, A. Shade, C. Sharp, D.H. Sherman, O.V. Shubenkova, I.N. Sierra-Garcia, R. Simister, H. Simon, S. Sjöling, J. Slonczewski, R.S. de Souza, J.R. Spear, J.C. Stegen, R. Stepanauskas, F. Stewart, G. Suen, M. Sullivan, D. Sumner, B.K. Swan, W. Swingley, J. Tarn, G.T. Taylor, H. Teeling, M. Tekere, A. Teske, T. Thomas, C. Thrash, J. Tiedje, C.S. Ting, B. Tully, G. Tyson, O. Ulloa, D.L. Valentine, M.W. Van Goethem, J. VanderGheynst, T.J. Verbeke, J. Vollmers, A. Vuillemin, N.B. Waldo, D.A. Walsh, B.C. Weimer, T. Whitman, P. van der Wielen, M. Wilkins, T.J. Williams, B. Woodcroft, J. Woolet, K. Wrighton, J. Ye, E.B. Young, N.H. Youssef, F.B. Yu, T.I. Zemskaya, R. Ziels, T. Woyke, N.J. Mouncey, N.N. Ivanova, N.C. Kyrpides, E.A. Eloe-Fadrosh, IMG/M Consortium
Publication Year


Journal Article
In the version of this article initially published, four people were missing from the alphabetical list of IMG/M Data Consortium members: Lauren V. Alteio of the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; Jeffrey L. Blanchard of the Biology Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA; Kristen M. DeAngelis of the Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA; and William Rodriguez-Reillo of the Research Computing Division, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. The error has been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the article. © 2021, The Author(s).
Nature Biotechnology